“OLD 666” And Its CREW: Job Well Done

Death has always been a companion to those serving in the line of fire. There’s always a chance for these soldiers to get hit by a sniper’s bullet, be buried alive, be hit by explosive devices, or be caught by the enemy. Definitely, the risk of being a solider cannot be fully known.
Aside from the possibility of death, these men and women are prone to experiencing trauma after the war. But even with these risks and dangers involved in the job, there are still many individuals who dream of becoming a soldier someday. At present, most of these soldiers have never thought of leaving their posts.
This only proves that the job of a solider can be challenging but at the same time, rewarding. It’s a life with a purpose especially when you have successfully defended your country against all threats, foreign and domestic. It’s also a rewarding feeling to know that you are able to accomplish the mission assigned to you despite all the dangers you faced in the process. This was what the crew of the Old 666 was able to achieve during the World War II.
Old 666, B-17E 41-2666 was a World War II B-17 Flying Fortress Bomber assigned to the 43rd Bomb Group in 1943. The aircraft was piloted by Lt. Col., then Captain, Jay Zeamer. One of the most dangerous missions it faced took place on June 16, 1943 where they took on a special mission: an unescorted, single-ship mapping mission over hostile territory. Capt. Zeamer and all the crew who volunteered for this assignment succeeded. The mission they went through was not easy. For a brief overview of their experience, you can check out the video below: