Pearl Harbor

“Everybody knows about Pearl Harbor. The thing that really fascinated me is that through this tragedy there was this amazing American heroism.”
-Michael Bay
Soldiers are heroes who bravely put their lives to the test by facing war. They sacrifice their lives just to serve their country and countrymen. Amongst all of us, no one has the undying love for his country more than a soldier.
A soldier is always prepared for battle. He is trained to face the enemy no matter what time of the day, wherever he is or whatever the circumstances may be. He will fight and even sacrifice his life for the sake of his country.
A testament to the heroism of our brave soldiers is the attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec 7, 1941. It was a surprise military strike conducted by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor. Despite the fact that they were taken by surprise by the Japanese, our soldiers fought for three hours just to protect the military base.
It was an event which brought the terror of war to life in front of our very eyes. We witnessed how the war ended the lives of many. We witnessed how our soldiers became victims of war, but most of all, we envisioned how our soldiers bravely fought for their lives and for our country.
Relating it to real life, even as ordinary people, we face war within ourselves every day. We face unexpected struggles, and many times, we end up losing hope. We tend to just give up, close our eyes, and pray for the best. But then, the war that our soldiers had to face was far worse than what we are going through. But how did they keep their faith and strength? How did they keep fighting even when fate challenged them? How did they bravely sacrifice their lives just to save ours?
The tragedy of the Pearl Harbor attack is an inspiration for all of us. It should serve as a hopeful reminder in our hearts. It should strengthen our faith in life and our conviction for patriotism. It is not simply a story of soldiers fighting an unexpected war. It is a story of soldiers who bravely faced war for their undying love for their country and their countrymen.
To relive the attack on Pearl Harbor and relive the inspiration, check out the video below. The video is a live audio broadcast of the attack on Pearl Harbor, dated December 7, 1941.