WWII Publications

World War II Publications

GI’s all across Europe, Asia, North Africa and throughout battle areas were hungry for; news from around the world, information on the progress of the war a connection with home and most importantly a bead on when the ware would be over and life could return to normal…what ever that was.

In addition to the home town papers and familiar periodicals, there were publications printed just for servicemen. These supplemented “ink from home.” We have included a growing number of these in this section of WORLD WAR 2 COLLECTION. Relive those times if you were thesre, and try to connect with a GI’s feelings if you weren’t.

Stars & Stripes

The daily publication, Stars and Stripes was an important connection with the war in other theaters of operation for GIs during WWII. It chronicled battles, bombing missions and other strategic issues of the war. It was a much read “rag” in bases throughout multiple theaters of operation.
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Catching up on news through a magazine format similar to POST, LOOK and LIFE , periodicals with which GIs were familiar “back home,” was a welcome connection. YANK served that purpose. This weekly publication was published in US, Far East and British editions. It contained a wide variety of stories including sports, war, human interest, cartoons and the much loved “pin-up girls” each week.
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Misc. Publications

We also have a selection of miscellaneous prints and publications from the World War II era.
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