This Week in WWII – 3rd Week of April

French and British troops land in Norway.
German troops occupy Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia surrenders to Nazis. The Wehermacht takes 345,000 prisoners as Yugoslav Army capitulates. British troops retreat from Mt. Olympus in Greece.
The Doolittle Raiders, 16 B-25s and 80 men, take off from the Hornet to bomb Tokyo.
The first 8th Air Force raid on Schweinfurt, Germany and Regensburg is undertaken. Armed uprising in Jewish ghetto in Warsaw, Poland begins.
8th Air Force attacks Hamm, Germany. 8th Air Force attacks Munich, Germany. Oflag IV-C, (Colditz Castle), is liberated. POWs left behind at Fallingbostel are liberated by the British Second Army. Bergen-Belsen concentration camp is liberated. U.S. Third Army captures Nurmberg and moves into Bohemia. POW camp was attacked by allied aircraft at Gresse, resulting in 60 fatalities.
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