This Week in WWII – 4th Week of May
First flight of the Messerschmitt Bf 109.
Evacuation of allied troops from Dunkirk begins. The 27th is the worst day at Dunkirk. Churchill reprimands King Leopold of Belgium for seeking a separate peace with Germany. Conflict between Halifax and Churchill over Italy and the overall conduct of the war effort. Belgium surrenders to the Germans. King Leopold III of Belgium surrenders and is interned. Possibility of the loss of the BEF at Dunkirk Surfaces in Britain. After much disagreement Churchill wins the battle of the War Cabinet and it is determined that no concessions will be given to the Italians. HMS Grafton sinks off the coast of Dunkirk. Crucial British Cabinet meeting: Churchill wins a vote on continuing the war, in spite of vigorous arguments by Lord Halifax and Chamberlain.
Nazi ship, Bismark, is sunk by British Navy Heavy Luftwaffe bombing on neutral Ireland’s capital.
Allies liberate Cherbourg.
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