Two Generations of Warriors Reunite…and Connect!

If you can spare 60 seconds to be moved to tears by the reunion of two “boys,” disparate in age but united in mission and love, watch this Food City Ad.

I’ve watched it often over the last few months and each time have choked up or been moved to tears. The production is flawless, the imbedded message poignant and the memorable connection of this grandfather and grandson heartwarming. And no words are spoken. There is no need. Often heart to heart connections are best made by a touch, a smile, a hug.

The thought that after 70 years this serviceman and his grandfather, share special core values of love, respect, commitment to purpose…and a love for our country founded on Godly principles is touching. We should pray for those feelings to permeate the heart and soul of the three hundred million in the USA today. Nuff said!!